Main categories: High Speed Door, Industrial Sectional Door, High Speed Door Motor, Dock Shelter, Dock Leveler
Ranked #1 Seals class _i18n_mod_start_`shopmodule.shopsign.rankdelivery_i18n_mod_end_Years in industry(13)Supplier for Fortune 500 companiesConsolidation serviceTotal floorspace (994㎡)
The data is from the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Supplier for Fortune 500 companies
Suppliers who have/had a procurement contract with a Fortune 500 company, as assessed by independent third parties.
Consolidation service
Suppliers who meet one of the following conditions:1. Sold products in at least three different sub-categories over the past 12 months, as assessed by indpendent third parties.2. Operated in at least three different industry categories and offered One-stop Services, according to their performance on
Total floorspace (994㎡)
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Years in industry(13)
The data is from the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Supplier for Fortune 500 companies
Suppliers who have/had a procurement contract with a Fortune 500 company, as assessed by independent third parties.
Consolidation service
Suppliers who meet one of the following conditions:1. Sold products in at least three different sub-categories over the past 12 months, as assessed by indpendent third parties.2. Operated in at least three different industry categories and offered One-stop Services, according to their performance on
Total floorspace (994㎡)
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties